Source code for pyquchk.arbitraries.arbitrary

import six
from itertools import islice, count
from functools import wraps

registry = {}
registry[None] = []

[docs]class combomethod(object): def __init__(self, method): self.method = method def __get__(self, obj=None, objtype=None): @wraps(self.method) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if obj is not None: return self.method(obj, *args, **kwargs) else: return self.method(objtype.inst, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper
[docs]class ArbitraryMeta(type): arbitrary_cls = None def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(ArbitraryMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): cls = super(ArbitraryMeta, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs) if name == 'Arbitrary': # set the Arbitrary class to an ArbitraryMeta class variable # we can't just access Arbitrary class in this __new__ method meta.arbitrary_cls = cls return cls if not meta.arbitrary_cls: # Arbitrary class isn't created yet, now creating its superclass return cls # Arbitrary class already created, now creating some its subclass # add hard limiting to gen_serial method gen_serial_old = getattr(cls, 'gen_serial') @wraps(gen_serial_old) def gen_serial_new(self, amount, gen_serial=gen_serial_old): return islice(gen_serial(self, amount), amount) setattr(cls, 'gen_serial', gen_serial_new) for meth_name in ['next_random', 'gen_serial', 'could_generate', 'shrink']: meth_src = getattr(cls, meth_name) meth_new = combomethod(meth_src) setattr(cls, meth_name, meth_new) cls.inst = cls() registry[None].append(cls) return cls def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return super(ArbitraryMeta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Arbitrary(six.with_metaclass(ArbitraryMeta)):
[docs] def next_random(self): """Get next random value. You should override this method.""" raise StopIteration
[docs] def gen_serial(self, amount): """Generate or return a sequence of serial values (finite or infinite amount). You should override this method.""" return []
[docs] def could_generate(self, x): """Check if x could've been generated by self. You can override this method, but it's not used now in any way.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def shrink(self, x): """Get possible shrinkings of x. You can assume here that self.could_generate(x) == True. You have to override this method if you want shrinking to be available.""" return []
[docs] def sample(cls): try: args = cls.__init__.args_for_sample['args'] kwargs = cls.__init__.args_for_sample['kwargs'] except AttributeError: args = [] kwargs = {} inst = cls(*args, **kwargs) dct = { 'args': { 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, }, 'random': (inst.next_random() for _ in count()), 'serial': ( (2 ** p2, inst.gen_serial(2 ** p2)) for p2 in count() ) } return dct
[docs] def args_for_sample(*args, **kwargs): def wrapper(method): method.args_for_sample = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs} return method return wrapper
[docs] def set_for(type): def wrapper(arb): if type in registry: raise LookupError('Arbitrary class already set for %s' % type) registry[type] = arb return arb return wrapper
[docs] def get_for(type): """Get default Arbitrary for the specified type.""" try: return registry[type] except KeyError: raise LookupError('No Arbitrary class is set for %s' % type)
[docs] def get_all(): return registry[None]

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