Source code for pyquchk.qc_decorator

from functools import wraps
import inspect
from .checker import Checker
from .utils import optional_args

[docs]def qc(ntests=100): """ qc(ntests=100) Decorator for a test function. For usage examples see :ref:`creating-tests`. :param ntests: number of tests """ frames = inspect.stack() func_is_method = any(fr[4][0].strip().startswith('class ') for fr in frames if fr and fr[4]) def wrapper(func): argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) argnames = list(argspec.args or []) defaults = list(argspec.defaults or []) defaults = [None] * (len(argnames) - len(defaults)) + defaults args = dict(zip(argnames, defaults)) if any(args[a] is None for a in args): raise TypeError("unbound variables: %s" % ', '.join(a for a in args if args[a] is None)) checker = Checker(func, args, ntests) def wrapped(*args): if not (len(args) == 0 or len(args) == 1 and func_is_method): raise ValueError('not expecting any arguments') result = checker.for_all() if result.failed: result.reraise() wraps(func)(wrapped) wrapped.__test__ = True return wrapped return wrapper

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